6 reasons to do a skills assessment with a professional coach!

If you have heard about the skills assessment but you don’t know exactly what it could bring to you, here are all the answers to your questions!
The skills assessment is the best way to drastically improve your professional life by finding a job that fits your motivations, your talents, your values… Indeed, in this period of huge changes in our society, it’s important that your job reflects who you are and makes you want to get up in the morning. The skills assessment is there to help you in this search process.
The specificity of Blooming Stone is that the skills assessment is made by a coach and not by a consultant! The fact that you do it with a coach guarantees that you will not be influenced in your choices: the coach will help you find your way by yourself through his questioning technique, because in coaching there is no advice. The coach also allows you to truly go and find the beliefs, values and life missions that you want to embody, to go beyond the simple response to your behaviors and skills.
According to the 2021 barometer of training and employment of center info-CSA, 47% of the active population is thinking of changing careers and their main motivation, at 86%, is to live in accordance with their values and their passion. This shows that this question of alignment between activity and identity is essential!
Now that you know the specificity of Blooming Stone, here are the 6 main reasons that we have identified that can push you to do a skills assessment:
- To take stock of your career, to understand where you are in order to better evolve professionally and personally.
- To learn to know yourself, to trust yourself, especially by learning to set goals, to identify your key talents… The skills assessment can greatly improve your self-confidence.
- Change jobs or have a complementary activity. Indeed, you can know that you want to change jobs because the one you are currently doing doesn’t correspond to you, but it’s more difficult to find the job that will suit you perfectly. Or that will complement the one you are doing today. The role of the coach will be to accompany you on this path to find your way.
- Or on the contrary to validate your professional project. It’s also possible that you already have an idea of a precise job in mind that you would like to do but you do not know if it really suits you. Here again, the coach’s job will be to help you better understand who you are and thus to determine if this job will fulfill you or not.
- Anticipate the disappearance or change of your current job. If your job disappears or changes significantly, it’s necessary to take stock of your career and your different possibilities and alternatives in order to follow or anticipate the change in the best possible way.
- Discover what it’s like to be happy at work. Yes, it’s possible to appreciate your current job at its true value and to cultivate professional happiness! to find or re- find a balance.
If you are still hesitating, it’s normal! Change and questioning are intimidating but are essential steps if you want to feel better in your life and happy in your work. When you know that the average French person spends about 1609 hours a year at work (source: INSEE) it becomes obvious that well-being in your daily environment is a priority. Blooming Stone has set itself exactly this mission and invites you to visit its website or to send a message for any question to the following email address: bloomingstonefr@gmail.com.